The world has changed and so has the way we are now doing business. While CRM has been around for almost two decades thanks to the advent of the same in 2006 when HubSpot was established as a pioneer in this space, there have been many HubSpot alternatives that have also left a mark. Doing business today is a matter of crunching data and reaching out to the maximum people in a minimum period of time since the relevance of pretty much every trend expires almost as soon as it begins! This is where CRM and automation come into play.

When we think of CRM, we think of an obscure system that basically stores data and helps us retrieve the same. If this is your thinking regarding the same, then you need to think again. CRM and automation are tools that can organize all the data pertaining to your business and its customers leads in relevant fields that would help in creating automated campaigns. These campaigns would be generated in a data driven manner to accord you the best possible rate of engagement so as to make a conversion more often than not. With odds like that, it comes as no surprise that businesses are increasingly turning to CRM and marketing automation for their growth needs. And when we say businesses, we actually mean enterprises of any and every size and proportion and even those in any part of the globe.

The various HubSpot competitors have emerged to plug a few gaps that could be found in this early technology. These include more affordable price points and more hands on support systems that would help with installation as well as maintenance of the systems so that they are up and running when you need them the most. Yet, even in this area, it is important to do a little research and choose the right CRM and automation platform that would give you the best of all worlds. Let us cast a glance on the top 6 HubSpot competitors to find out which one is the best for your business:

  1. EngageBay: With over 12,000 users all over the globe, this brand has far outgrown its humble beginnings to become a name to reckon with. As a HubSpot competitor, it is quite clear to see how and why it is considered as the very best in its field. The CRM system is a robust one that can be customized to suit your exact needs, while the rest of the features enable you to reach out to your leads on many different channels before the engagement process starts. Well structured and data driven campaigns are generated by the system so that you do not miss out on a single opportunity. Further, you constantly get guides and ebooks on how you can run the system in a better way and take even more advantage of the various features so that you can further your business goals in the most efficient way possible. The best part is that all of these features can be used at affordable prices that allow you to customize and even switch or upgrade to an enterprise wide plan when your business grows. This would keep all your information in the right place even when you change plans. The transition would be a smooth one. Further, the support is always available for you to make changes and to install and maintain the system as well.
  2. ActOn: This CRM system basically offers many kinds of integrations. So the basic thing is that you would have to avail many tools in order to make use of this platform which can make it a pretty heavy investment, especially for a small or mid sized business. The features are quite good and one can make use of the various tools for integrations in order to take the business further. The platform also lets you manage your webinars with many tools for easy interface. Analysis is also available although it cannot be compared with the more sophisticated tracking and analysis available at EngageBay and similar HubSpot competitors.
  3. Bitrix 24: This is an upcoming CRM platform that lets you make a number of integrations for ease of communication and setting tasks. Yet, when it comes to more high level integrations that can fully unify and organize your sales and marketing teams, it somehow misses the mark. This is where you would have to pay and bring in other tools, which makes this an expensive option as far as other HubSpot competitors go. You can grow your business slowly with this tool since it also comes with many task managing and planning tools that would be useful for startup owners who are swamped with work.
  4. WishPond: This platform is a HubSpot competitor that would allow you to make use of specific features like landing pages, contests and similar elements so as to engage the customer in the best possible way. Yet, this is not the only way to engage the customer and if you want higher engagement and features, you would have to bring in more expensive integrations. This makes it a rather impractical option as far as HubSpot alternatives go.
  5. InfusionSoft by Keap: This is an old HubSpot alternative that has attracted many users in the past. Yet, it is not the best option since it does not offer more than list building and segmentation activities. It does not have the exhaustive list of features that platforms like EngageBay can offer.
  6. ActiveCampaign: This is another popular CRM platform that delivers many features. Yet, it is not the most affordable one and does not offer enough support in the long run. So if you are looking for upgrades later on, it would not be a seamless process.

The above analysis shows that EngageBay is hands down the most versatile HubSpot alternative that can support a small and growing business.

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With over 12 years of experience, she is a proficient content writer and editor specializing in a diverse range of subjects, including technology news, country news, arts, science, travel, and automobiles.


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