Giving the customers an exquisite dining experience is the focal point of conceptualizing the exterior design of a restaurant. In the planning and modeling phase, you have to display what people should expect upon entering. Consider the exterior of a restaurant the cover of a book judged. It’s all about how the exterior exposes the personality of the food they cater to.

Are you struggling in creating ideas that will boost the aesthetic value of your restaurant? It’s your lucky day! We have provided below 6 ways to make your restaurant’s exterior more appealing.

6 Tips to Make Restaurant’s Exterior More Appealing

Form Should Follow Function

6 Ways to Make Your Restaurant’s Exterior More Appealing

The facade of a restaurant is as important as its interior design. To come up with a solid design, you have to consider how it would work for your guests. As one of the high-traffic establishments, how effective is your design to your guests? The form should follow function because the top priority in design is how it works.

In the image above, you can see how space is maximized highlighting its form. No space is compromised for the sake of coming up with an elegant restaurant exterior. The restaurant is a modern-contemporary-inspired design that didn’t settle for the use of boring edges. They created an exterior design that will attract their guests to dine. It’s all about how spaces are maximized without compromising their appearance.

Illuminate the Details

How to make Restaurant’s Exterior More Appealing

Create a cohesive exterior that highlights the details of the restaurant. Allow the elements to work together through the use of effective outdoor lighting. Outdoor lighting will enhance the form of your restaurant in the most elegant way.

In the image above, the name of the restaurant is visible even from a distance. They used the best flexible LED strip lights to create a calming ambiance that will warmly welcome the guests.

The LED strip lights enhance the restaurant’s exterior design by illuminating the name of the restaurant and the edges of the facade. Pay attention to how lighting can improve the exterior design of your restaurant.

You can easily achieve the maximum visibility of your restaurant when you install these amazing lights. The beautification of your facade will depend on how creative you can get in illuminating it.

Consider Different Color Palette Options

The color scheme of your restaurant’s exterior has a big impact on the eyes of your customers. The warm and cozy ambiance has the ability to boost the appetite of the guests. Turn your guests’ dining experience into something that they will continue to reminisce about.

You have to understand how the psychology of colors works. Allow the colors to bring harmony to the exterior details of your restaurant. There are a variety of color schemes you can choose from including dark, light, cool, warm, and earthy colors.

Be wary of how colors reflect the style and concept of your restaurant. Maintain the connection between the scheme of the interior and the exterior. Try different colors that will go together creating a decorative effect.

Display What is Inside

It would be best to practice certainty when it comes to exterior design. Guests don’t want the mysterious look when it comes to restaurants. They want to see the character of the restaurant before tasting the food they serve.

In the image above, large windows are installed to give a clear view of the interior from the outside. This is a simple yet effective design, especially for restaurants that are modern-minimalism inspired.

The materials used for the exterior should connect with the theme of the interior. Create a brand identity customers will never forget. The theme of the exterior will decide your customers’ mood. Allow it to boost the selection of cuisine. It’s all about how you attract the eyes of passersby.

Practice Sustainable Design

An effective way of practicing sustainable design is through the right choice of materials. This will enhance both the interior and exterior atmosphere. Use materials that will not compromise the ventilation, lighting, and aesthetics of the restaurant.

In the image above, they upcycled container trucks and redesigned them as a restaurant. This is an economic idea to spice up the exterior design of your restaurant. Align the exterior design of your restaurant to its fundamental function.

When a structure is sustainably designed, you maximize the utilization of the natural environment. You can highlight the exterior look by spicing it up with foliage that will provide shade for outdoor dining spaces. Go green with an effective environment-friendly design!

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Social Media Feed Friendly

The wide utilization of social media is a big factor affecting the number of guests catered to by a restaurant. Consider it as the talk of the town that will inspire your customers to come back. Think of a design that is worthy to fill your feed with post-worthy photos.

Leave the passersby with the idea that your restaurant is worth the entry. Give them the inspiration that you serve not only good food but great customer service as well.


The dining experience of your guests starts before they even walk through the doors. What better way of impressing your guests than increasing the visual impact of the exterior? Fascinating exterior designs for restaurants should clearly communicate to their guests the type of experience the restaurant offers. Allow the exterior design to highlight the identity of your restaurant!

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With over 12 years of experience, she is a proficient content writer and editor specializing in a diverse range of subjects, including technology news, country news, arts, science, travel, and automobiles.


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