The hygiene of any human being starts from his household.

Whenever you fail to make your house clean, your life will be endangered hygienically. Keeping the house clean will not only benefit the people living in it, it will also be of benefit to the pets and animals that are reared in the home.

However, we found out that on many occasions, these pets may be the cause of dirt in our homes because of their own wastage. But when they are properly trained, they could also abide by our hygiene rules. The list of 8 best cat litter will provide your pets the much needed training it needs.

The cats are some of the most wanted animals in the house, and they are very sensitive pets. They are so sensitive that they always want to take care of their feces when they defecate. They are irritated by the smell of their urine and their feces, and these may sometimes cause them infection and irritation.

In the bid to guard against this, cats in the house must be kept with proper litter system. These litter systems most involve boxes with either clay, fibrous, or wooden granules, with solutions that are meant to absorb the urine and feces of the cats and cover their odor with their scents.

However, there are so many types of cat litters available in the market. Some of them are great in certain functions, But on a general note, selecting the best litter for your cat may be a very huge task.

You have to look at the quality of the litter and the material that was used to manufacture it. You also have to consider your cat and whether the litter material irritates it. The cost of the litter should be considered when purchasing one for your cat. The accessories that accompanies the litter will invariably come into play as well.

Some other things to consider that includes:

  1. The level of odor it retains.
  2. How long it lasts, or the lifespan of a cat litter.

We have taken the time to conduct a deep research about the top 8 cat litters in the market, so that you can have something to work with when choosing.

Below is a comprehensive review of some of the excellent products to choose from. Read through and choose the best from the list provided.

Top 8 Best Cat Litter Reviews:

  1. Arm & Hammer Clump & Seal Multi-Cat Litter – Most Dust Free Litter

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The Multi-Cat Litter from the brand of Arm and Hammer is one of the best when it comes to providing high quality cat litters. We tested this product, and after our testing, we realized that its dust free rate is 100% true. This is one cat litter that will give you no odors for at least 7 days, no matter the amount of cat wastage and urine it takes in. It comes with a formula that is completely patented, and this works to destroy all odors.

This is made possible by the heavy duty odor eliminators, coupled with the Arm and Hammer baking soda. The clumping ability of the cat litter could only be described as top notch, as it is rock solid in nature. The waste is tightly sealed by the moisture-activated Micro-Granules that the litter is made off. So, it is very easy to scoop the litter, because it is made with particles that were derived from plants.

The odors are destroyed even before they leave the litter box. We reckon that when you have a cat litter that is 100% dust free, you have something that is near-perfect. This makes it a highly favorable product if you are a pet owner, especially cats!

  • Offers 100% dust free service.
  • Rock solid clumps on the waste.
  • Very easy to scoop because of the amazing clumping ability.
  • Light and very pleasant scent.
  • The litter remains fresh for up to one week.
  • May present an artificial and offensive odor.
  1. Fresh News Paper Cat Litter Multi-Cat Litter – Highly Absorbent Litter

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The Fresh-News Cat Litter simply gives you the level of freshness that comes with fresh news brand. This is a multi-cat litter, and we found out that it offers 99% dust free service. It comes with moisture locking granules that offer a much reduced amount of tracking. This is reduced to the barest minimum and the litter box odor is completely eliminated, bringing in a fresh fragrance into your home.

This is designed as a very effective ammonia locker in all ramifications. Its production is something that makes it imperative that people should buy it. It is actually made from post-consumer recycled paper materials. So, you are looking at a product that is 100% non-allergenic.

When you realize that the cat is one of the pets that suffer allergies more than others, you will see the goodness in this product. It absorbs 3 times more liquid than clay, and is biodegradable when used in a form of compost. The eco friendly nature of this cat litter is a step ahead than its competitors according to our rating.

  • Very much an environmental friendly product.
  • Dust emission is reduced by 99%.
  • Leaves less mess on the floor than clay litters.
  • Very easy to sweep and scoop particles.
  • Rooms will start feeling smelly when the litter loses its fragrance.
  • The fragrance, some complain, is not very powerful.
  1. Blue Naturally Fresh Ultra Odor Control Multi-Cat Litter:

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If you are looking for a cat litter that is specially designed for odor control, then you have to take a hard look at the Blue Naturally Fresh Ultra Odor Control Multi-Cat Litter. It is enhanced with triple action enzymes to neutralize fecal, urine, and ammonia odors upon contact. The manufacturers call this feature as an ultra-odor control and it is highly effective. Every pet parent has this concern, so this is your greatest solution when it comes to odor control in your home.

It is highly absorbent, making it a must’ve product if you have more than one cat. The clumping ability is one of the best which makes cleaning the litter box a lot easier. Unlike the clay litters which produces a lot of silica dust, the naturally fresh is dust-free that makes breathing easier for both you and your cat. Also, it won’t track.

The naturally fresh is made of walnut shells and it is 100 % natural and biodegradable, and it contains no chemicals, toxins, and no harmful materials at all!

  • Highly absorbent.
  • Virtually dust-free.
  • 100 % natural and environment friendly.
  • It doesn’t maintain clumps as advertised.
  1. Precious Cat Ultra-Premium Clumping Cat Litter 40 pound bag – Double Solution Formula

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This simply justifies the name that it goes by. When you look at its features, you will easily agree that it is ultra-premium. When you buy this, you will be getting a cat litter that comes with a very unique formulation, something you have never experienced in a cat litter before. Because of this, you will be motivated to buy.

In this litter, the medium clay particles are mixed with the popular non tracking heavy granules that all classic litters are made off. The simple explanation is that with this, you will have the chance to enjoy the double advantages of a cat litter at all times.

The result you will get from this product is a litter that clumps excellently and which will also not allow any form or degree of moisture to get to the bottom of the tray upon which the litter is placed. When you have a lot of cats in your home, you will have this as one of the most preferable cat litters.

If you have the mechanical liter boxes or the sifting models, you must get this litter because it works well with them. It also offers the level off odor control that the classic cat litters give. When it comes to the dust retention, it is 99% dust free, and this is among the best you can have.

There are no plant proteins here, it is hypoallergenic and there are no perfumes or deodorants that may irritate your cat. The double formula that this litter is made of is really going to work wonders in your home. That is why we picked it as one of the best cat litter amongst many choices. All in all, this is a great product that you can fully trust and spend your money on it.

  • 99 percent dust free.
  • Clumps perfectly.
  • Combines two formula for effective services.
  • The odor is not just controlled, it is eliminated.
  • There is no weird scent from the litter.
  • New bags may be dusty, so be careful while buying.
  • Difficult to remove from the pan because of the sticky nature.
  1. SmartCat All Natural Clumping Litter 20-Pound – Friend Of The Environment

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When you have the SmartCat litter, it is supposed to offer smarter services than the others. In the bid to find out about this, we tried and tested the litter on various aspects.

The things we can confirm are that the clumping happens on contact, and when this happens, it continues till it is sure that the entire urine has been completely absorbed. So, just a few minutes of the cat leaving the litter box, the clumps could be scooped easily without any qualms.

Because of this formula, it is one among the best cat litter for smell that could be easily cleaned within few seconds after use, making it one of the cleanest litter you will find in a home. It is also among the dust free litters of the present day. You will not have problems of dust with it, as we discovered. Because of the very quick clumping nature of this litter, you won’t have any problems with odor.

This is because the bacteria that causes the odor is trapped when the feces and urine is clumped. This eliminates the odor entirely. This coupled with the fact that there are no dusts and litter residues, makes it impossible for respiratory related problems to occur.

When it comes to acceptability, it is one of those that most cats fall in love with. This is because of the fact that it has this very creamy sand like look. Most of the cats will believe they are doing their business on the natural sands when they look at the litter.

The texture is mostly acceptable to many cats. Because of this, it is easy to transition from your old litter to the new one. It is also light in weight.

The weight is half the weight of other cat litters. So, you can carry this with half of the strength you used to lift the litters that are made of clay. This is made from grass, and we have not seen any attribute that beats that. So, they are free of all chemicals, fragrance, and clay. They are also renewable and biodegradable. The nature of this litter and its clumping ability makes it one of the best products available in the market.

  • Very fast in clumping.
  • Has a very light weight when compared to clay and other competitors.
  • Made of 100% grass materials.
  • Has no smell or odor at all.
  • It scatters in a very terrible manner.
  • It gets into the toes of the cat and tracks.
  • It is a bit too expensive.
  • Because it is made of grass, some cats eat it.
  1. World’s Best Cat Litter, Clumping, 8-Pounds – Best Clumping Litter for smell

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This is advertised as a very powerful formula that is also concentrated, and so, we tried it out. It has the capacity to clump on contact according to our discovery. This comes with not even a single ammonia smell, and the one it is designed with is very easy to clean up. This litter is one of the best for homes with just one or two cats.

Apart from the two major qualities of easy and fast clumping and minimization of the odors, this does not accumulate or retain dust. From the tests conducted with this litter, it was discovered that it does not track. Now, when you look at the formulation of some products, you cannot but fall in love with this one.

Instead of the clay formula and some others, this goes completely natural. The product has a patent which involves the use of naturally absorbent corn compressed into concentrated granules. These have the ability to trap odor and clump tightly on contact. That is the technology behind this litter and it works exceptionally well. It is in this list because it is natural, innovative, and eco-friendly which is great if you are an environment lover.

  • Too natural not to be embraced.
  • Cats like it so much because it has no chemicals.
  • It does not stink at all.
  • No fears of asthma because it is dust free.
  • It can stick to the cat’s paws.
  • Poor design.
  • It’s a bit expensive.
  • It can track.
  1. ökocat Natural Wood Cat Litter, Clumping 19.8 pounds – Best cat litter for allergies

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This is another natural litter that stands in the same class as those we have applauded in this review. Through our tests, we discovered that this formula from ökocat gives you one of the best performance for your litter. It is one among the cat litters that provide a very natural environment, that is healthy for the cat and its owner, due to its natural ingredients. It is made of wood fiber that is 100% renewable and biodegradable.

This prevents polluting the environment and sustains the ecosystem. With no chemical additives, it is able to bind and trap odors and liquids for a very long time. There are no scents, no dyes, and no harmful materials on this formula. Of course, you know how wood fiber smells, and absorbs all odors through its capillary system.

With this higher level of absorbency, you will enjoy a drier litter for a long time. Because it clumps well, it is very easy to clean, and this saves time and money. The coniferous is antimicrobial, and this kills and fights bacteria growth for weeks, translating into a cleaner home.

This is one litter that is very gentle on the body of the cat, and because of this, it is highly recommended for anybody. It is very good on the environment even when it is very effective in clumping and odor control, so it stands out as one of the best product that can be purchased for your cat.

  • Superior clumping ability.
  • Controls odor for more than 7 days.
  • Flushable and completely biodegradable.
  • Highly absorbent.
  • It is bit pricey.
  • It leaves some tracks as it could stick to the cat’s leg.
  1. Purina Tidy Cats 24/7 Performance Clumping Cat Litter – Locks Ammonia Away Completely

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The piece from Purina is the best cat litter for allergies in this review list, and it is really very good formula. The Purina Tidy Cats 24/7 Performance clumping cat litter controls odors round the clock. Because of this, you can use this for more than one cat.

It is designed with the TidyLock Protection which does the job of ensuring that ammonia is locked away completely. With this, the odor of urine and poo is eliminated once the entire thing is clumped. With this, you will have a fresh smelling litter box and home all the time. Because it is high on clumping, it is also very easy to clean the litter box.

The scooping of the box is not a problem here because everything is clumped and held in place for you. It is a very easy to use item and comes with a very high absorbent ability that keeps the litter box not only odor free, but also dry at all times.

It is made with a combination of natural clay and some deodorizing system. This is completely natural in all angles, even though it is made of clay.

  • Ammonia, urine, and poo smell are locked away through the TidyLock Protection system.
  • High moisture absorbent to make the box comfortable for cats.
  • Odor control is done 24/7.
  • It is cheap and affordable.
  • May smell even when it is scooped daily.

Read more:

What Makes a Best Cat Litter?

When selecting the best cat litter, you must make both general and particular considerations. The cats are always very choosy about the litters used on their boxes.

So, you must select the formula that will not pose any health dangers to your cat. This takes a lot of studying to find out. One thing you have to understand though is that even though cats can prove to be very difficult pets to keep and handle when it comes to maintenance, but the actual truth is that, you don’t need much effort to maintain them! Wondering how? Here’s the answer!

They are not the type of pets that will need you to stay with them for a very long time, caress them all the time to establish affection between you and your pet, or take them on a walk regularly.

The best litter for your cat without a doubt will be the one that does the work of trapping as much odor and liquid that comes its way as possible without generating dusts. The cats take nothing more seriously than their cleanliness.

That is why you will see them groom themselves all day. Whenever it is time for them to do their business, they will go in search of their litter box for this. Even in the natural setting where no litter boxes are provided, you will hardly come across their feces. This is because they will always cover them with sand whenever they drop them.

The options to choose a cat litter are many. But because of the fact that each cat has their preferences, such as the texture of the litter material, the level of absorbency, and the fragrance that it gives out, should all determine the one you opt for your cat. So, whenever you get a cat litter that comes with the texture, fragrance, material, and level of absorbency that your cat prefers, the trapping ability and the ability not to generate tons of dust will be reduced drastically!

Types of Cat Litters:

There are several types of cat litters available in the market. Here is a list of litters you can choose from when you want to buy one.

  • Clumping clay.
  • Non-clumping clay.
  • Silica gel crystals.
  • Recycled paper.
  • Pine.
  • Corn.
  • Wheat.
  • Walnut shells.
  • Grass.

If you want to know more about these litters, you can read this article to find out.

Buyers guide:

What are the factors involved in selecting a correct cat litter for your home?

As we’ve stated above, there are many things involved in selecting the correct litter. Now if you want to get it right, you have to consider all of these things that are explained below.

Many of you may think that the best litter is the one that your cat likes the most. But this is not the case. Getting the best litter entails buying something you, your cat, and the entire household is comfortable with. So, below is the best factors you must always have in mind when you step out in search of the litter to use.

  1. The Litter Box:

When you view it with a not so critical eyes, it may seem as if the litter box has nothing to do with the litter you get, and how it works. But for your litter to work well, you must have it in a good litter box.

So, the box will also determine how better the litter will serve the cat. If you have a small cat for instance, make sure the box you are getting for the litter will be the type that your cat easily gets into and out of the litter box at will without any difficulty. This is the first point of consideration. However, if you have the type of cat that is big enough to maneuver through spaces, then getting the type of litter box that will have a removable lid may be the best option. This will surely enhance the level of privacy that the cat  enjoys.

  1. Dust Free Level:

One of the major reasons why you are getting a litter box or even the litter for your cat is because you want it to lead a clean life and to avoid dirt, dust, and other particles that can pollute the environment, irritate the cat, make it sick or uncomfortable, or harm it. So, make sure the litter you are getting is the type that does not groom or emit dusts and dirty particles.

  1. Odor Control Level

This is a very essential part of the litter that one shouldn’t take lightly. Whether the litter box is in a concealed place or outside, and whether you are living in a very large home, you don’t need these odors.

So, you are advised to go for the litter that has the odor control feature. But the matter now is how many days or how long does it conceal, hide, or eliminate the odor. Now, you must understand that the smell sensing of a cat is way bigger than that of every other animal. So, they can easily perceive any bad odor and run away from it.

If you want your cat to be making constant use of the litter and to be at home with it, you should get the litter that does not mask or conceal the odor, but the one that eliminates it. However if you must go with the scented ones, you should know whether your cat is irritated by the scents or not. Crystal or silica gel litters may do a good job against the odors. But they may be a bit costly. Consider this very seriously before you buy.

  1. Clumping Ability:

When you have ascertained the level of dust free nature of your litter, which is supposed to be at least 90%, then you consider the level of clumping that the litter does.

Now, there is clumping and non-clumping litter. But the fact remains that in all situations, the clumping solution is the best for you. So, it is good that you will always go for the one that clumps. What matters in choosing is the level of clumping that will be involved. If a litter comes with bentonite, it will do the function of absorbing urine.

This creates a very solid clump to ensure that the environment remains dry and clean. This also makes the cleaning very easy for you. But if for any reason you want to go for the old school non clumping type, then you should be ready to have the urine pool at the bottom of the litter when your cat urinates.

  1. Sensitivity Issues:

Cats are very sensitive. They are sensitive to the people around them, to what they perceive, to what they eat, what they touch, what they see, and everything around them. So, you must ensure that the material, the contents, or the solution of the litter is one that will not irritate their kitty paws.

  1. Packaging and Cost:

Of course, there is no way you can make this choice without considering the product packaging and cost. These are issues that may not affect your cat.

But they will definitely affect you. You don’t have all the money in the world, and therefore will go for something that will be affordable to you and yet offer the needed service to your cat. You are also a human being and aesthetics will always appeal to you.

So, the packaging matters. The number of times you intend to change the litter contents is important. You need to carry the litter around. It will be stored in your home for the refill, and you need something that is manufactured with ingredients that you are not allergic to.

  1. Self-Cleaning or Flushable:

These are two types of litters that are prevalent now. The self-cleaning litter is the type that comes with a specially designed mechanism that allows a sensor to activate the self-cleaning function a few seconds after the use.

When this happens, the litter is packed and sent to an enclosure below the litter tray by a rake. While this may be good because you don’t have to clean it yourself for some days or weeks, it may not be good for those with cats that do not like noise.

This is because the sensor makes a lot of noise while working and the moving parts also add up.

The flushable type is the one that could be flushed in the toilet.

However, before you buy this type of litter, you have to ensure that the regulations for waste management in your area approves this type of litter.

  1. Depth of the Litter:

If you are getting a litter with a tray, you should look at the tray and see the depth of the place where the litter will be dropped. The standard depth of the litter should be about 3cm. Something deeper may be better, but it may not be great if it is narrow than that.

  1. Type of Cat:

When you are searching for a good cat litter, you should know the type of cat you have at home before picking a solution. If you fail to consider this, you may make a mistake.

Cats that have experienced ancestral living environments tend to prefer what they have experienced before. So, you should have the clay or sand type as the better option for them. They may run away from litters with scents and strong odor.

  1. Tracking Level:

Now, you can’t buy a litter if you are not sure of the level of tracking it gives, and in this case, it shouldn’t track. Your cats will not be comfortable with tracking litters.

You will not be comfortable with it, and other people around you, plus your house will not be comfortable with it. The best litters should be made with materials that will make them remain in the litter box that is meant for them and not on the cats’ paws.

Consider this seriously because you don’t want the cat littering the entire house with the litter because it tracks. This will create another job of constant cleaning of the house for you.

  1. Changing a Litter:

If you wish to transition from one type of litter to the other, you must do this in a gradual way. If you make it so sudden, you may chase the cat away from the litter. Because of this, you must start by mixing the new or preferred litter with the old one that the cat is used to. Start by adding small amount of the new one and much of the old, and switch ways until you stop putting the old one at all. The cat will adapt when the process is slow and steady, than when it is very abrupt and urgent.


Getting the best cat litter for your pet depends on many factors. All of them must be considered while shopping, since everything is important. However, the things that affect the comfort of your cat and your personal preference should be the determining actors.

The 8 best cat litters we presented above are the awesome product in the market according to our research, and from them, you will definitely find one that will serve you perfectly.

We have presented all we know about the litters. Now it is your job to select the correct one for your home and for your cat. Do a bit of homework before buying, and happy cat rearing!

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Hari, a freelance writer known for crafting exceptional guides, enjoys immersing himself in literature and music when he's not busy with his writing pursuits.


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