Power through the dirt, snow and sleet with a tooled-up truck. Your 4X4 has the power you need to conquer any climate, so upgrade your favorite off-road ride with these must-have truck accessories to keep moving forward. Enjoy a commuter down icy roads or mark a new trail in the crisp, fall air with everything from truck wheels to winches and safety gear.

Windshield Wipers

Not all wipers are created equal. Shop for windshield wipers that are designed specifically for winter weather. These hybrid wipers prevent ice buildup on the blades and are designed to glide smoothly across the entire surface of your windshield. Blades that bump and clatter aren’t comfortable any time of year, but are particularly frustrating in winter.

Premium Winter Tires

Sometimes it pays to keep all four wheels on the road. When the going gets tough and the road turns into a snowbank, you need reliable tires to keep you grounding and moving toward your goal. Look for winter tires that have aggressive treads. Shop for tires that are suited for off-road driving or asphalt only, depending on your style. Premium winter tires have a self-cleaning design that prevents ice and snow accumulation.

After you’ve had your fun this winter, remember to swap your winter tires back out for summer ones. Driving winter tires all year round will only wear out your premium tires and make them less efficient next winter. Whether you’ve purchased top-of-the-line winter tires or bought the most affordable option on the market, protect your investment by switching tires in the spring.

Reliable Shocks

Fall is a great time to test out your 4X4 and adventure down a two-track. However, worn-out shocks will make you remember every bump, bruise and sudden pothole in the road. Upgrade to reliable and comfortable Bilstein shocks to keep even the bumpiest road feeling smooth and safe. Be sure to choose shocks that are designed for your specific vehicle, and consider upgrading your wheels if you’re looking for a lift kit to go with your professional shocks. A fully upgraded truck with shocks, lift kit and new wheels is ready to conquer any terrain and turn heads wherever you drive.

Winch and Safety Gear

Both winter and fall are likely to come with cool temperatures. Playing around in the wilderness is all fun and games until you get stuck. That’s when a winch and other safety gear come in handy. Use your winch to pull yourself or a buddy out of a snowbank or mud pit. When things get dicey, you need an emergency kit, warm clothes, a snow shovel and other safety gear to protect you while you wait for assistance or wait out the storm.

Take on the winter roads confidently with your newly upgraded 4X4 truck. Plow your way through snow, leaves or just cool temperatures as you brave the elements and see just what your truck is capable of. For more information or to shop for the best deals on all these parts and more, look for truck accessories store near me or shop online today.

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With over 12 years of experience, she is a proficient content writer and editor specializing in a diverse range of subjects, including technology news, country news, arts, science, travel, and automobiles.


  1. Nice write up. As a truck owner, I agree with the things you mentioned. These are some of the basic things you need to keep the truck in good condition. Winter tires are seasonal so if you’re usually driving during the wintertime, it’s better to get a set of those. By the way, I got my Toyo tires from 4wheelonline.


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